New Jersey Asbestos Injury Attorneys With A Proven Track Record
Although asbestos is no longer used in construction and other industries, the long-term effects of that damaging substance are still being felt today. In fact, many new clients turn to us because they need an experienced mesothelioma lawyer to help decide how to pursue litigation, and/or negotiate compensation packages for those who’ve been affected.
No matter how much time has passed, or whether it was yourself or a loved one who has been affected by mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos, we encourage you to call us and get the help you need and deserve from a trusted team of mesothelioma attorneys.
Why Choose Us as your NJ Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyer?
There are a lot of different legal teams advertising their services as mesothelioma attorneys. Few have the background and workplace litigation that we do. With our 40+ years’ experience with employment compensation law, we can help with all facets of your mesothelioma case, including:
Evaluating potential mesothelioma lawsuits. We can help our clients to determine if they have a viable case for asbestos exposure. We can help them find out who was responsible, and learn the best ways to pursue litigation.
Mesothelioma litigation and compensation. Often, employers and insurance companies will look to settle potential mesothelioma lawsuits. We’ll help you explore your options and negotiate terms so that you’re compensated for your pain and suffering.
Access to researchers, medical personnel, and scientific experts. We will help you explore all the issues around your case. This includes the medical and scientific issues that can help determine who is at fault, and what kind of research or expertise is needed to strengthen your position.
Call Us Today for a Free NJ Asbestos Injury & Mesothelioma Lawyer Consultation
A mesothelioma diagnosis can be a frightening, life-changing event. Our team of workers’ compensation attorneys are here to make sure that you and your family don’t suffer unnecessarily. If you need a team of mesothelioma lawyers that is experienced and trustworthy, call our office today to arrange for a free consultation and find out what the next steps are.